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God's Word has power and I believe it!

(Jer. 29:29, 1 Thess. 2:13, Heb. 4:16)

Jesus is the Word and Christ lives in me who is the hope of glory.

(Col. 1:27)

My words contain the power of life and death, and I will eat the good fruit of my words. 

(Prov. 18:21, Matt. 12:37)

I am a believer therefore I speak the word of faith.

(Rom. 10:8, 2 Cor. 4:13)

The words that I speak are steering my life into the good destiny God has for me. 

(James 3:4)​

I am a child of God by faith in Christ Jesus.

(Gal. 3:26)

I am treasured, loved, chosen, accepted by God and was predestined to adoption to the praise of the glory of His grace.

 (Zeph. 3:17, Jer. 31:3, Matt. 13:44, Eph. 1:6, 11)

I am a doer of the Word 

because I will NOT forget who I am in Christ.

(James 1:22-23)

I am full of the fruits of the Holy Spirit because I refuse to forget I was forgiven.

(2 Pet. 1:5-9)

I will obey and do God's will because God is working in me to will and to do for His good pleasure.

(Philippians 2:13)

I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.

(Philippians 4:13)

I acknowledge every good thing I have in Christ therefore I am motivated to share my faith and my fellowship with the brethren is blessed.

(Philemon v.6)

I am not motivated to love and serve God by pressure, coercion, works, rewards, or fame, but God's love compels me.

(2 Cor. 5:14) 

I am full of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. 

(1 Cor. 12)

God is opening doors of ministry and divine appointments for the world's good and His glory. 

(Rev. 3:8)

These graces and signs follow me and chase me down because I am a believer: mercy, goodness, power to cast out demons, speaking with new tongues, and laying hands on the sick so they can recover.​

(Psalm 23:6, Mark 16:17-18)

I am complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.​

(Col. 2:10)

I am victorious over a spirit of fear for God has given me a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. 

(2 Tim. 1:7)

No weapon formed against me shall prosper. Every word spoken against me I will show to be in the wrong because God is my defense attorney and my righteousness.

(Is. 54:17, 1 John 2:1)

I am secure in Christ and no one can pluck me out of His hand. 

(John 10:28)

I am holy and without blame before Him in love.
(Eph. 1:4, 1 Pet. 1:16)

I have the mind of Christ.
(1 Cor. 2:16, Phil. 2:5)

I live by faith and not by sight or feeling, therefore I will not be moved by circumstances, facts, or evil reports.

(2 Cor. 5:7)

I walk in divine health because Jesus paid the price for my health, healing, wholeness and prosperity.

(Is. 53:5, 1 Pet. 2:24, 3 John 1:2)

Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.

(1 John 4:4)

I have received abundant grace and the gift of righteousness and I reign in life through Jesus Christ.
(Rom. 5:17)

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